Sunday, May 22, 2011

Over the River and Through the Woods ... of Dead People and Harpies

So. Right. First note: the group's not in agreement about Kathy, the naked Azteca beauty who Wuyi's carrying around via caludron. It came up on the boat, Tal and Wuyi got into it ... Tal called Wuyi a thief, Wuyi called Tal a princess... and I'm torn between siding with the buddy and the booty call. I mean, I know who I should side with libido-wise, but friend-wise, I can't pick.

Still... I try to keep them from re-murdering each other on the boat while we're pushed through the mist and to the other side. When we get to the other side, it's as if the entire population of the earth was crammed on the shore. They did not bother me, but I know the ghosts bothered everyone else, especially Wuyi. Poor girl.

I started to push us through when Tal picked up tracks and Rupper was being assaulted (in vain) by one of the ghosts. We came to a cliff and there ... well, I single-handedly held off forty angry ghosts while Tal and Ben picked a fight with two harpies. One thing lead to another and they're both diving off the cliff like crazy people.

I follow. Of course.

At the bottom, we run into Joshua again (I knew he was alive!) and Tal starts snarking at me about Wuyi ... and then KATHY joins in on it! She's not my firlfriend people! She's just... Wuyi and it's complicated and so not anyone's business, geez. I mean, I'm not like Ben or Tal... being touchy about feelings, but c'mon! Respect!

So I left the bickering while Tal and Wuyi helped out the elder and clambered up to share a smoke with Ben and Rupper. Next thing I know, the chains were snapping and the harpies were zooming in again.

Damn it all!


  1. Ben: How am I 'touchy' about feelings?

    I'm trying to engender a professional atmosphere so we don't all die (again)

  2. Rhia: Professionalism is boring. Feelings are where it's at, Ben, c'mon.

  3. Ben: We're Godlings, we don't have time for social intrigue.

  4. Rhia: Ha! Darlin', we're all about the social intrigue. It's been barely a day a already there's a lovely little somethin'-somethin' brewin' up between Kelly, Rupper, and Kathy. You just need to get with the times, my dear.
