I don't even know where to begin discussing the events after my Father restored us to life. There's ... so many small intricies that weave together to form one large convoluted knot of ...something. I should start from the beginning.
I spent that day, for the most part, with my Father learning about the horses. When he decided it was time, we went into the barn to question the ghost of the formorian. Everything was tense... but workable for the moment. Between Kelly, myself, Rupper, and Wuyi we learned that the formorians were the Keepers controlling the major governments at the time, and that they were working on alliances with other pantheons, the aztec included.
If Tal or Ben had been there, instead of off dicking around, we could have learned more but that's bygones. For when everyone left to head inside for food, Wuyi cornered me concerning Tal and after that fight was somewhat managable Tal herself came in and it was... again... all about how -I- betrayed -her- and I should be begging for forgiveness and -- in the end it was far too emotional to deal with, so I didn't. I didn't want to deal with whatever insanity Tal thinks I imposed upon her. Sleeping with her father was an impluse that had nothing to do with her and I don't see the comparison to her past. No matter how cruel a past that it was.
That completely at a stand-still, Wuyi and I talked some more and at least one thing in my new life went right as she forgave me.
Then it all went to hell. I... it's hard to write it on paper without wanting to hurt something. Someone. Ben. If he hadn't made her, if he hadn't of bound her in that shell of naviety and innocence, then this wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't have died. I wouldn't have ...
I'll get straight to it. Mona's... dead. Gone. Kathy killed her, though from her pleas, she didn't mean to. She called me on the reward I promised her and even through my own wants, I knew that a Tuatha never broke their oath. So I didn't. I rewarded her with the gift of life. With the 'honor' of becoming my sister in the eyes of fate and family.
Then I left the island.
I dragged down our box of relics and we were met by some smiing strange man who eyed me like a piece of meat and I wanted to slam his face into the hull for the thought.
I didn't know how to process Mona's death. I still don't. It's some ball of lead that's sitting in my chest and I'm trying my best to just... ignore it. But it's hindering everything. I screwed up making that deal with our benefactor. It was sex for.... abslutely nothing that he adn't told us before. Sure, Kelly got a memory out of it but... it reminded me I needed to keep distant. I couldn't treat life like I did in the Elysian Fields.
Of course, before I could even process -that- ... Poseideon, the fuck, decided he'd get his free lick in and tried to drown us. I put everything in shielding us from the main force of the tsunami and Kelly's sand wall helped too, though it was exhausting and my arms shook from the force. I wasn't like the others, I didn't have ichor coating my muscles to make me stronger. It left me bruised and exhausted and of course.... of fucking course the boat started to sink.
Why wouldn't it? I mean, nothing else had gone right today. Mother's dead, Sea-God killing us, Sex-Deal gone wrong... now a boat sinking in the middle of the ocean with sharks waiting to swoop in. Sharks.
Right. Well, although I was feeling like I'd want to go punch something to keep from crying, I stripped and jumped in the water to keep the sharks at bay. I don't give a flying seagull that Tal thinks she's the speediest runner, she was in MY element and needed my help to get us through.
We connected with a ship and... one moment. I need to go ... not write about this.
I'm sorry. I had to step away. I, well, after some havoc getting aboard and a discussion with the captain, Rupper, Wuyi, and I chased after Rex and we decided to look in the cargo hold of the ship. That went... terribly.
I had a guard seduced, ready to listen to my whims when a ghost walked through him and startled me. No. I won't lie on this. Scared me. Scared me enough that my commands went haywire and affected the ghost, not the guard. Shaken, I returned to the cabin and aided Ben in crushing the spirit of a poor girl caught up in a mess way too big for her. I enjoyed it too, the interplay between him and me and I rode that high to crush down all the fucking lows I've been through that day and took it all out on Kelly.
Fucking Kelly.
For the most part, she's clueless. Bumbling around and hoping for the best from every situation and the good from everyone. It's her fault Mona died. Hers! If she had just stayed in the damned kitchen, she could have caught Kathy before the accident. If she had just stayed out of mine and Tal's fight because that was none of her gods-damned business she could have protected my mother.
But no. She was Kelly. Implusive. Rash. Always wanting to make things worse and of course, it happened again. She tried to lie about it, but no one bullshits me and no one bullshits Ben. I cornered the girl into a chair and proceeded to... well... it felt good. As long as I was tearing her down, I wasn't feeling down myself. I didn't even care about the crewmember killed. Mortals die when we're around. I cared that she lied. Again. She just fucked off again.
And she didn't give a damn about what her actions cost us. AGAIN.
Ben pulled me away before I could really cause trauma, though, and we went down into the hold properly and I saw... the most majestic horses to ever stride the earth. They were beauties and they were predators. Deadly, wonderous creatures that I had to make mine. I ignored the others in favor of a stallion that shamed any mundane horse. We spoke at length, well... I praised and flattered and he preened and soaked it like a sponge.
In the end, I allowed him to take us into his herd with me as his equine... ah... equal and as our first act, they tore apart the jailor that was fattening them and our foals for the fodder of the formorians.
There may be trouble with the captain, of course, but if social bribery won't protect us, then the hooves and fangs of my herd will.
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