Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Long Strange Trip It's Been!

Off the Coast of Spain!
Well, this year's been pretty interesting! While Rhiann and Rhia get settled back home - Anna and I went off and spent a good five or six months just sailing. Of course, this is Anna we're talking about so a good half of the trip was spent discovering ancient ruins and shipwrecks and who am I kidding, here's some pics!

Same wreck.
It was sheer perfection. Seven years dead was seven years away from my ocean. I know that Anann will never love the sea as much as I do, but  I'm eternally grateful that she is willing to try and accept my fascination with it. Though I wish she'd stop calling it 'That Mistress'.

Rylina ~ off the coast of Bahama

While we sailed, it wasn't all shipwrecks and salvage! Met some mermaids down in the Caribbean and spent a week just goofing off. I couldn't manifest a tail however, so they spent the first day or so teasing me about it.

 Ah, Fabio. He's adjusting to Ireland well and the herd is growing - and fast! He has to deal with the local wild stallions that have been sniffing around the mares. It's not too big a problem .... except that he keeps trying to eat the losers and it's um, difficult to explain to the local horse-watchers as to why he tries to do that.

Why is this even... hmph. Oh. I remember. Wuyi stole my camera not too long after I had the talk with my biological father. I met up with her in Seville as she was doing a favor for Belenos (which translates to picking up the kid he 'accidently' forgot). Wuyi's good with a camera at least.
Little Kennedy.
 I'd gush about the girls but I do that far, far too often as it is. Motherhood is something I thought I'd never want and yet being surrounded by the six little terrors is akin to being the most happy I've felt in a good two millennia. I still dislike someone's else's child - they just don't exude the same bond and coo'ing reaction that my own parasites do. And with Anann's blessing on five of them (Monkey claimed his Grandawesome) they all have personalities emerging quicker than a normal child. Fiona's the quiet and serious eldest - as if she knows what's expected of her. The twins are little bundles of mischief even at their tender age. Siofra is ... she looks a lot like Fand and does she have a set of demanding lungs on her! Xiaomei's a cutey. She'll be walking first, it's already obvious that the tail aids in that (and it's soooo adorable when she holds onto you with it). Liath takes after Anann. She's easily matching Siofra as 'little diva'.

And she still has the nerve to blame me!
 Heh, snapped this shot of Anann after the morning when Da and Monkey decided to visit their grandchildren. Of course they spoiled the babies rotten and then left them awake, wired, and demanding for us to take care of. She couldn't call in another aspect (all were busy) and Rhia and Rhiannon were off on business. Wuyi was in Cambodia at the time so... it was her and me and I think the reality of "completing the set" finally hit her.

Although how she manages to look gorgeous while looking shell-shocked is a trick I need to learn. Anywho! Vana and Kelly will be arriving tonight so I need to go prepare.

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