Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Three of Me. Them. ... Us.

 Separate and disjointed, the tear in my/our/her psyche came when Vana stole us from the crash course into Aten's Tower. I had my thoughts. I could hear her thoughts. She could hear my thoughts. It was overwhelming and nervewracking and I can barely keep track of who they/me/we are.

Aten's retribution doesn't help at all. My/Her/Our dreams are terrifying even though fear was bartered away.

We compartmentalize and from that moment onward we're no longer the same woman. We're us. Closer than twins, yet our minds are forever separated. We rely on our innate instincts of our own mannerisms and moods and we come to terms with the result of losing all of our mortality.

Then Enech shatters and my own expressions are alien to me.

I buy us escorted passage to Iteru's frontline at the price of being the Sphnix's chewtoy. Wuyi abandons us when we meet the Pesedjet. There's an interrogation before us and all I can do is struggle to keep my cool as Aten's Judgement drains my willpower. I strip bare some of my resistance to keep from murdering Kelly at her constant insulting. I know I'll regret it.

We'll all regret it.

I just want to be whole again. I miss me.

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