Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Shadow Broker

I'll remember the next time I'm in the middle of a fit, that I'll set down the pen and paper and go for a long, long stroll through the nearest brothel to clear my head. Maybe share a drink or seven with the girls and try to remind myself with the drink that ripping apart small children is not an effective way to cope with tragedy, although it was a delight while it lasted.

At our next real rest stop, I'll snatch up a nearby cute and fluffy animal and present it to Kelly and gain forgiveness. Or let the evil spider murder it. Whichever works.

Fine. I'll say it. I'm rambling about bunny rabbit presents and whores because I'm trying to push away the memories of the past and the fact that evil smiling guy who hit on me not ten minutes after learning that my mother was dead was NOT, in fact, eaten by the sharks as I so desperately hoped for. Oh, and the fact that Tal's pregnant.

And that we've signed ourselves over for a 'to-be-determined' task in the future to some creepy Shadow Broker.

OH! And the bloody fact that my life's memories have become a series of porno flicks for Tal's dad, Rupper's dad, and my ex -- is it ex? I hope we parted well. We should have, I mean, I -died- and that really can't be held against me. Right?. From hence forth, they're known as the League of Perverts and I need to sit down and figure out who's parent I have NOT slept with yet.

Oh, and all of that is to cover up my annoyance that Wuyi rebelled, on all things, over feeding a grimly, ugly little minion of the Keepers to my horses. We had just removed them from the ship and they were looking peakish and we could have talked about the flesh-eating-fillies BEFORE the unloading at the dock.

Ugh. Regardless, creepy-smiley-man, who I still need to get eaten by something got us out of the Formorian docks and into the sewers. Where we wound up talking to the Shadow Broker and from there.... learned about the League of Perverts and came to the conclusion that it was about time we called on the gods that held our memories and start gaining some powers back because if we were... if we were young gods when we died, and that didn't stop the keepers ... we need to get back that strength and more if we're going to do it this time.

Also. Sex is sewers? NOT. COOL. Ugh, I reek.

All right, looks like everyone's trudging back. Might as well go find the boy-minion, and pray to the raven so I can submit myself to yet another god to get my life back.

This. Fucking. Sucks.

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