Sunday, July 1, 2012

Drabble A Day: Accusation

“Here. Hold Mealla. If he comes round this way and accuses me of anything, I didn’t do it and you never saw me. ” Anann barely has time to register what’s going on when the youngest member of their growing family is deposited into her lap. She stares down at wide-eyed expressiveness and a tuft of dark hair and snaps out a hand to snatch Rhiann before the young goddess can sneak away. It’s too late and she seizes only air. She glances away from the coo’ing babe to see the flash of coppery hair duck out the study’s windows. Any touch of question through the ring is met with a strange rhyming chant repeated over and over again.

A beep from the screen before her brings her back to the auctions she was following before Rhiann had whirled into the study and besides the surprisingly behaved toddler in her arms, things settled down quick enough. Until there’s another tempest of Irish temper stalking through her doorway. It’s rare that Manannan consents to approaching her but this time he looks far more interested in other things beyond reminding her that he disapproves of her relationship with his headstrong daughter. “Where did she go?”

Anann’s response is a raised brow, and a dismissive gesture out towards the lake that glistens merrily underneath the noonday sun. The toddler in her lap happily greets her grandfather with a gurgling laugh but that doesn’t dissuade Manannan from his goal. He turns upon a heel. Minutes pass. The auctions she wanted have fallen into her trap and she’s pleased with her accomplishments. Contentment turns to curiosity and she stands, child tucked to her hip, and moves out to the window to find that there’s a rather heated battle of water gods on her lawn. The lake has been turned into a warzone of ice, steam, and mini-tidal waves. Manannan’s age and skill is matched by his daughter’s lunar pull on the water and natural grace with the element. They’re shouting to the other, but from where Anann is she can’t make it out. With a cluck of her tongue, she steps out onto the back veranda and encounters the twins. Calleigh and Kennedy are twined about the railings and if she’s heard right; taking bets on who would win the duel.

“Do either of you know what’s going on? Exactly why is your Grandfather trying to kill your Mother?”

Calleigh’s the one that answers; she’s the talkative one of the pair. “Momma pulled a trick on Grandda.”

“What sort of trick?” Anann enquires but she’s answered by a shout from Manannan as an ice dragon conjured up by Rhiann falls just short of biting him.

“A Single’s Cruise!?”

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